Tuesday, January 9, 2007

module four. web searching

Performed a search of the www for Advanced Internet Users, first using my usual search engine NINESMSN.
http://www.ciolek.com/PAPERS/oregon-2003-tables.html, The internet and it's users. The physical dimensions of cyberpolitics in Eastern Asia.
The second was identical to the first.
http://www.vicnet.net.au/training/advance.html , VICNET. "Victoria's comunity information portal."
http://weblog.globaladvancedmedia.com/category/internet-users/ GLOBAL ADVANCED MEDIA WEBLOG
http://www.datatrain.net/ , DATATRAIN

There was a total of 10,324,642 sites available using ninmsn, most of which would be useless.


Performing the same search using COPERNIC with 3 search engines enabled, Alto Vista, Lycos and Yahoo, produced 20 results, the first site being

http://www.k12science.org/tutorials/advanced/, CIESE, Centre for improved engineering and science education.
http://www.softstack.com/advink.html , SOFTSTACK.COM.
http://www.theoccasionalcompany.co.uk/ THE OCCASIONAL COMPANY
4. http://www.microsoft.com/windows98/usingwindows/internet/tips/advanced/2advanced_list.asp Microsoft windows 98. Tips and Tricks for advanced users.
http://www.internet2.edu/ Internet 2.

Using a basic search engine such as ninemsn produced a huge number of available sites but I feel there is more quantity than quality in that large number. A lot of what appeared was of no use to me as it produced articles on each of the words Advanced, Internet, and Users.

Searching through Copernic which uses a number of search engines produced a much smaller number and were relevance rated and came from a number of different search engines
Even so, there was still a number of sites pruduced that were only vaguely, if at all, connected to what I wanted.
After ticking the 'exact phrase' box I got 29 results, most of which would be useful to some degree. This would be covered in the 'Boolean Logic' part of the tutorial too I imagine.

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