Thursday, January 4, 2007

Struggling with upload.

Coming to the end of week six and module three.
While I'm enjoying it on the whole, the issue of uploading is causing me no end of grief.
I just can't seem to get it!
I have posted notes on the discussion board and asked indeviduals but I cannot grasp what seems to be a fundamental task.
Other students have been helpful but I am embarrassed to admit that I do not understand a lot of the jargon being used in the explanations they have provided.

Finally, I have managed to get a look at my www page in the oasis/curtin network.
Turns out my ftp uploading was going ok but I needed to download vpn client software to be able to access the web page.
So with the help of cynthia and a lovely girl (April I tink) at Curtin, I was able to see my volcano site.
Now I just have to figure out how to get the graphics to come through!

Bingo again!
After wrestling with it for ever, changing the syntax over and over to no avail, I finally added the word volcano to the url and up it came, graphics and all. Such a simple thing.
Problem now though, is that I can't say that I understand why. I don't feel like I have achieved much if I don't fully understand what I did, even if it was successful

My next hurdle is working out the uploading to presentations page. Something I am having difficulties with still.

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