Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Module two. Email lists vs discussion boards

An email list is not interactive (unless it's a discussion list). It is great if you want to recieve regular newsletters or updates on your chosen field, but if you want to join in a discussion about your favourite topic, then a discussion board is better (in my opinion).

One should remember if posting an email onto a list that there could be many more people reading it than is perhaps shown on the list. Keep in mind a large group of people when putting forward your ideas or points, or risk alienating some of your list members.
It may be a good idea to post the occasional message so as to give yourself an identity and therefore be included in the list 'community'.

If you wanted to follow the fortunes of your favourite football team (obviously that would be Manchester united) an Email list would be the best option as you will recieve regular updates.

Study groups however would be more suited to a discussion board as regular interaction, with lots of questions and answers, can take place between students. Another advantage to the discussion board is that most are maintained by the originator of the board and are kept on a single server.

One downside to discussion boards is that you have to actually go to it to see what people have said recently, whereas the listserv will send you updates automatically.

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